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Original Articles

3rd Act Magazine, Winter 2024

who are the boomers ... really?


In a sadly enduring “OK, Boomer” culture, how accurate and helpful is it to generalize about this—or any other—generation? 

3rd Act Magazine, FALL 2024

should age be on the ticket?


When voters focus on how old, rather than how competent, political candidates are, everyone loses.

3rd Act Magazine, Summer 2024

On Your Path of Living, Stay in the Driver’s Seat


In your ongoing journey engaging with life, you can take greater control of the ways you travel and the destination you seek.

3rd Act Magazine, Spring 2024

rx for elder health care: geriatricians


Having more of these specialized physicians is the best way to ensure the future health of all older adults.

3rd Act Magazine, winter 2023

the caregiver's journey--- Part 4: when Caregiving ends


When your support is no longer needed, there are ways to reclaim—or reframe—your life.

generations today, September-October 2023

"who do they think we are?"


When marketers and advertisers ignore or target consumers in ageist ways, their bottom line isn’t the only thing that suffers.

3rd Act Magazine, FALL 2023

the caregiver's journey--- Part 3: Getting Caregiving Help


If you can’t provide care all on your own, there’s plenty of support available to you.

3rd Act Magazine, summer 2023

the caregiver's journey--- Part 2: looking after yourself


Doing the best you can for your loved one requires meeting your own needs, too.

3rd Act Magazine, spring 2023

the caregiver's journey--- Part 1: preparing for caring


One day you may need to provide care for a loved one. How ready are you to handle it?

next avenue, November 17, 2022

the value of institutional memory


Four past Next Avenue Influencers in Aging explain why acquired wisdom can be a valuable resource for solving problems and building relationships.

next avenue, September 9, 2022

should age be on the ballot?


How concerned should voters be about candidates’ ages?

next avenue, July 15, 2022

Selling the idea of pro-aging advertisements


We should convince marketers to create ads that accurately reflect the character and value of older adults.

3rd Act Magazine, SUMMER 2022

welcome to elderhood


In a society that has created rituals celebrating different life stages, why not hold rites of passage honoring our later years?

next avenue, March 8, 2022

exposing the face of ageism


Gerontologist Tracey Gendron reveals why understanding the complexities of age bias is a vital first step in taking effective actions to end it

3rd Act Magazine, Spring 2022

the write stuff


Expressing your thoughts and feelings on paper is a powerful way to boost your health, healing, and happiness.

next avenue, January 12, 2022

How Photos Showing Older Adult Hands Reveal Cultural Bias


Photos of old hands…are they ageist? Not necessarily, but it’s what the hands are doing that matters.

3rd Act Magazine, winter 2021

an age of vulnerability


In a post–COVID-19 society, what must we do to reduce old-age vulnerability to illness and death?    The answer may surprise you.

3rd Act Magazine, FALL 2021

learning on purpose --- the older and wiser way


Being back in a classroom can help you reach your goals—if you take advantage of your older-brain skills.

3rd Act Magazine, WINTER 2020



Living our fullest third act means replacing age shame with age pride.

3rd Act Magazine, Summer 2019

50 Ways to Thrive in Your Third Act


In order to nurture every part of who you are and enhance everything you want to do, consider these 50 tips for aging well.

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